Creating a Custom Blog Listing Template in HubSpot allows you to tailor the layout, style, and functionality of your blog listing page to align with your brand’s needs. HubSpot provides built-in templates, but customizing your own enables greater control over the design and user experience.
Here’s a step-by-step guide to building a custom blog listing template in HubSpot.
What is a Blog Listing Template?
A Blog Listing Template in HubSpot controls how multiple blog posts are displayed on a single page. It’s typically the main blog homepage, featuring a list of recent blog posts with titles, summaries, featured images, authors, dates, and other metadata.
Key Components of a Blog Listing Page
Step 1: Access the HubSpot Design Manager
Step 2: Set Up the Basic Template Structure
HubSpot uses HubL, its proprietary templating language. Start with a basic structure:
Step 3: Style the Blog Listing Page (CSS)
To enhance the appearance, apply custom styles.