
A Comprehensive Guide to CSS Overflow

Written by Pawan Sharma | Aug 9, 2024 1:30:00 PM

In CSS, the overflow property controls how content is displayed when it exceeds the bounds of its container. It determines whether the extra content should be visible, hidden, or if scrollbars should be added. This property is essential for managing the layout and ensuring content fits within designated areas on a webpage.

What are the CSS overflow property values?

The overflow property in CSS offers several unique values to handle overflow issues effectively. These values dictate how excess content is managed and can be used to hide, clip, or otherwise control how content is displayed when it exceeds the container's bounds.

  1. Visible
  2. Hidden
  3. Scroll
  4. Auto

1. Visible

The visible value for the overflow property allows content that exceeds the dimensions of its container to be visible outside of its bounds. This means that any overflowing content will not be clipped or hidden, and no scrollbars will be provided.

  • Content will extend beyond the container’s edge if it overflows.

  • No scrollbars will appear, as the content is not clipped.

  • Useful for design elements that need to break out of their containing element for visual reasons.

HTML Example: